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Elvis Presley: 'The Complete Elvis Presley Masters' - King-Sized Box Sets

This 30-CD set contains every song Elvis put out in his lifetime, in the order in which he recorded them, as well as a smattering of posthumously released curios. It's the most detailed portrait ever of Presley's career arc: up the mountain for the first three discs, then back down for the rest. There are some forgotten jewels among the classic hits as well as a lot of kitschy dreck. ("Yoga Is as Yoga Does" from 1967 is the sound of the King realizing he's sold his dignity.) The initial, limited edition sold out — at $749 a pop — before its release date.

What's In the Box: 30 CDs and a hardcover, annotated discography
Price: $749

Next Miles Davis: The Genius of Miles Davis
